
The value of comfort

When winter is on its way, I think of cozy sweaters, comfy slippers, and the oh so basic pumpkin spice or gingerbread lattes (ha!) I had to… 

Growing up in Maryland we would prep for snow storms. It was my absolute favorite thing. It’s as if you are barricaded in by a huge blanket of comfort! I’m sure my parents didn’t see it like that, being stuck at home with two tiny humans screaming and playing like mad people. But I loved it!!! 

I would gather all of my stuffed animals around to build a fort. Create my little sanctuary of coziness. Smelling wafts of hot cocoa before inhaling it. Savoring each bit. 

Which is where a lesson comes in from the younger me. How to create a space of comfort. 

1. Consider what makes you feel safe

What things make you feel at ease? Are there certain colors that keep you calm? Any particular sounds? Textures? 

2. Bring in elements of nature

Plants are a great way to ground into your space. And if you are sitting there thinking (oh man, I cannot keep one alive for the life of me) I have faith in you!! I am learning too 😉 

3. Choose good lighting

Dim or softer lighting can have a calm effect on us. It creates an ambiance of relaxation. Candles are also a way to invite in a comforting sight and smell.

4. incorporate balance

A mixture of the elements (wood, earth, fire, metal, & water) will call in harmony to your home. Think of the senses and things that complement each other. For example, if you have a bright comforter, add in some artwork with cooling colors.

5. consider your layout

Is your furniture arranged to have an open energy flow or is it cutting off parts of the room? Is there enough seating in the space for everyone? Pretend you are a stranger walking into the space. Does it feel welcoming?